I sometimes grow weary of the hot and humid summer weather in central Kentucky and start dreaming of weather up north, but it does not take me long to remember why I love beautiful Lexington, Kentucky. Besides raising my children to be huge University of Kentucky Basketball Fans, I hope that no matter where life leads them, the fact that they were born here in the Bluegrass will ensure that they will always love and possess admiration for horses and what beautiful and incredible animals they are.
My husband and photography assistant spied this spot for picture taking a couple of days ago. So we picked up our friends who live in our neighborhood and literally drove 2 minutes to see this beautiful thoroughbred horse farm. I will say it again, we live 2 minutes from this beautiful thoroughbred farm and these gorgeous animals. Can you see why I love living in Lexington? Maybe one of these horses will run in the Kentucky Derby some day?
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