Sunday, May 24, 2015

Buffalo Trace Senior Shoot, Finally!...

When Alex, a sweet and lovely Tates Creek HS Senior, asked me to take her Senior pictures at Buffalo Trace Distillery, I was pumped!  I think that Buffalo Trace is one of the coolest places ever! Central Kentucky is beautiful and there are several places to get some lovely can't go wrong with Keeneland, Gratz Park or the UK Arboretum...but I LOVE Buffalo Trace Distillery!  You can get some really awesome shots with very cool buildings where they make and house bourbon for backdrops, but there are also beautiful, park like settings to get soft and beautiful shots.  The people that work at BTD are all so nice and welcoming and they enjoy educating you on bourbon and loving the fact that you are there to take pictures.  I also just happen to love bourbon, one of the things that my state is known for, and you never know...I just might be sipping on a little BT with ginger ale as I blog.

Alex and I first tried to get together on the weekend, but we were rained out Saturday and Sunday. We decided to meet on the following Wednesday because the weather forecast was calling for sunny weather.  I had watched the news the night before and Wednesday morning, the Weather Man said there was no rain in sight.  Wednesday was gorgeous all day, I started to head for Frankfort that evening and clouds rolled in.  I met Alex there and I tried to get some good shots, but the whole time I was worried that the lack of natural light was going to inhibit my ability to get some great images for her.  It started to rain on us, so Alex and her Dad were flexible enough to come back on Friday to try again.  I am so glad they hung in there with me, because I think I captured some beautiful shots of this absolutely stunning Senior!

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